MVC Kit Documentation

A ready to use DOT NET MVC Kit Source Code to get started on development of ASP.NET MVC Application.

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ASP.NET MVC Kit is a Source Code developed by expert DOT NET Developers to get you started with any ASP.NET MVC Application Development. Covered with lots of useful features with minimized code and lightweight RDBMS SQL Database.

Following are the Guidelines, Documentation & Installation Guide for ASP.NET MVC Kit Source Code by COMBINEZ.


  1. General
    1. System Requirements
    2. What’s Included
    3. DOT NET MVC Kit Support
  2. Running the Kit
    1. Run on Windows
      1. Visual Studio 2019 Installation
      2. Microsoft SQL Server Installation
        1. Download Microsoft SQL Server
        2. Install Microsoft SQL Server
      3. Importing Database
      4. Running the Kit
  3. Application Rights
    1. Overview
    2. Add User Type
    3. Assign Application Rights to User Type
  4. Features
    1. Database Connected Charts
    2. Colors
    3. Logs


System Requirements

The recommended configuration to run this web application is as follows.

  • 2GB RAM
  • Windows Operating System
  • IIS
What's Included

The zip file contains the following things

  • COMBINEZ folder with all the project files
  • SQL Database
  • Documentation
  • Versions Log
    DOT NET MVC KIT Support

    You may reach out to our support 24/7 by any of the following means. We can also help you do paid installation of this web application.

    Running the Kit

    To run this on your local PC, VS 2019 & Microsoft SQL Server is mandatory.

    Visual Studio 2019 Installation

    You need to install Visual Studio 2019 to open the kit’s source code.

    • Visit: Download Visual Studio Versions List
    • Choose 2019 from the list, click on Download and sign in with your Microsoft Account and download the Community Version and Install it on your PC.

    Microsoft SQL Server Installation

    If Microsoft SQL Server is already installed on your local PC, please ignore these steps.

    • Download SQL Server
    1. Visit the below link
    2. Click on Download
    3. Choose “ENUx64SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe” & Download.
    • Install SQL Server
    1. Once the download is completed, run the exe file.
    2. Let it extract the files and the new installation window will appear automatically.
    3. Choose “New SQL Server stand-alone installation”
    4. Accept the License Terms & Product Updates.
    5. On Feature Selection page, Choose “Select All”.
    6. On Instance Configuration page, choose Named Instance & Instance ID as “SQLEXPRESS”.
    7. In Database Engine Configuration, under Authentication, Choose “Mixed Mode”.
    8. Specify password for SQL Server system administrator user “sa”. Usually type 123.
    9. Now install SQL Server. Wait for few minutes for the installation to be completed.

    Importing Database

    You need to import database in SQL Server before running the kit.

    1. Double click on “MVCKit.sql” file located inside zip. Login to SQL Server with your credentials used to install SQL Server.
    2. Run the MVCKit.sql script in Microsoft SQL Server.
    3. Database is imported successfully.

    Running the Kit

    Once Visual Studio 2019 is installed, just copy the COMBINEZ folder from zip anywhere and double click on COMBINEZ.sln file inside the folder and you’re good to go!

    User ID & Password: admin

    Application Rights


    One awesome feature in this web application is the application’s rights. But, what are these?

    Let’s say you have created any user or client. By default, when you add client it will also be added to application’s users. But client can not login unless the rights are specified in the application.

    So for example. You have a Operator whom you want to give access to the application where he can only see all the data but won’t be able to modify data or add new data. These are pretty much explained in the below steps.

    Add User Type
    • Login to your application.
    • Go to Tools > User Types.
    • Click on “Add New User Type”.
    • Specify name (e.g Operator) and click on Add.

    A new user type is successfully created in our application. We can add application users now to that type.

    Assign Application Rights to User Type

    Now as in the scenario discussed in Overview, let’s say we have a User Type “Operator” whom we want to give access to dashboard. This can be as follow.

    • Login to Application.
    • Go to Tools > User Types.
    • Next to your newly assigned User Type, click on Modify Page Rights.
    • Here a list will popup. Let’s just checkmark View Dashboard and Save Changes.

    Now, any user added to application with User Type “Operator” will be able to login and only see the dashboard of application but cannot see inner contents.

    Now, let’s give our User Type, Access to see the Dashboard Content.

    • Go to Tools > User Types.
    • Next to our newly created User Type, click on Modify Section Rights.
    • From here, select all the 5 boxes in first row and Save Changes.

    Now, Our User Type “Operator” will be able to View the Dashboard Content too.

    Repeat the same process for all other pages and sections to give perfect Rights to any User Type.

    For giving access to specific User Type for all other pages, explore the already defined Rights database for our Admin User Type in Tools > User Rights to find the one you need and Add Right access to specific User Type by above given steps.


    Database Connected Charts

    By default, the application comes with the 3 charts which are already connected to the database.

    1. The first chart shows the data of Cancelled vs Completed Services comparison.
    2. The second chart shows the Monthly Sales by Amount comparison.
    3. The third chart shows the Total Sales by Service Category.

    One more wonderful feature of this application is to change the color scheme of our application with few clicks.

    • Login to Application.
    • Go to Tools > Colors
    • By default, the 20 palettes are defined. Choose any one you like and click “Use this Color” and the color scheme of our application will be changed.

    Still not good enough? You can define your own color scheme for the application too in few simple steps.

    • Go to Tools > Colors
    • Click Add New Color
    • In Primary, type the primary color in HEX #000 or RGB rgb(255,255,0) format.
    • In Secondary, type the secondary color in same format.
    • Click Add.
    • Now choose the color you added and color scheme will be changed.

    Logs are all the records of the Application saved. Our Application will be saving all the actions made by any user in database and which we can easily access from our Admin Panel.

    • Go to Tools > Logs.
    • Here you can see all the logs performed in our Application with time and username.

    By default, Our application will be saving 2 types of logs.

    In Error Type Logs If any Error or a Crash in Application is made, a custom error page will be shown to the User while the original Error Details will be saved in the Logs.

    In Info Type Logs All the actions performed by any user regarding edit or creation of data will be saved as Info Type Logs.


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